Thursday, January 29, 2009

Magic Road.

When my sister and I were younger, my parents would load us into the car about once a month and take us to Oroville to visit our great-grandpa Galli. These trips meant a lot to all of us, especially my dad. I was about six and we were taking our monthly expedition in my dad's 1970 Bonneville convertible. Now, this car is HUGE and we just so happened to be traveling up a pretty narrow road on the side of a rather steep mountain and we were all crossing our fingers.
My sister and I were in the back seat and I had my feet out the window pretending to be asleep. When I finally opened my eyes, all I saw in front of me were brilliant greens, rich browns, and warm mahogany rushing passed us. As the engine roared and my parents laughed and the radio played in the background, all I saw were the hypnotic colors. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. I imagined myself running through the forest. I was not running from anything or to anything in particular, just running. It was like we were on a magical road leading us to the most beautiful forest anyone could ever imagine.
After grandpa Galli died, our monthly trips turned into "every now and then" trips but we never took the magical road again. Less than a year ago, my mom and dad bought a piece of property in a town called Berry Creek which is about 20 miles away from Oroville. They visit every other weekend or so and plan to build a house on it eventually. I have yet to visit the property in Berry Creek but I hear it is a lovely place and someday I'll visit, I'm sure.
Whenever my parents mention their plan to visit Berry Creek I can't help but let my mind wander back to the backseat of the gigantic Bonneville 13 years ago. I see the brilliant greens, the rich browns, and the warm mahogany. I can still hear the roar of the engine, the sound of my parents laughter, and the soft background music of the radio. I think of this memory and I smile at how the imagination of a six year old girl with the world at her feet turned a monthly family trip into the magical road that lead to Grandpa Galli.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice sharing that with you, thanks!