Thursday, January 29, 2009


This is just something that came to me this morning and I think that there's a lot of room for it to grow.
I wrote it for my short story writing class.

The the middle of everything, there I was. My name is Lucy Marie Forrester and I've been on my own for a while. After my parents died, my brother Evan and my sister Renee moved to suburbia to raise families and I stayed in New York City in the apartment I was raised in. Everyone keeps telling me that the city has nothing left for me, but I don't believe them. No one understands why I stay, and they don't have to. I have dreams, big dreams, and I know that New York, New York is the place to achieve them.
Here are the facts about me; I'm approximately twenty-three years and 65 days old, I'm about five foot 3 inches, and I weigh (roughly) 146 pounds. I have a cute button nose, bright blue eyes, full lips, and the cheek bones of Ingrid Bergman. My auburn hair hangs in curls just at my shoulders. I'm a completely average American female who believes she's in the right place at the wrong time.
"C'mon Luce, what's left for you here?" Evan said,"You're not gonna be a 'big' movie star. Maybe a a BIG star, but not a 'big' movie star."
Evan added an unnecessary emphasis on the second "big" in his sentence and made a circular motion around his abdomen.
"Fuck you Evan. Why do you always have to be such a jerk? Mom and dad always told me that I had a gift and that I was unique, I'll be damned if I let someone like you ruin that for me."
"Lucy,"Evan said very seriously,"I'm just stating the facts. Hollywood isn't looking for short, fat actresses. Look at Angelina Jolie, is she short and fat? No."
"What about Marilyn Monroe?" I retorted,"She wore a size fourteen dress."
"Luce, this is not the 50's. Society does not think that's beautiful anymore. I'm saying this because I love you, I'm your brother, and I don't want to see you get hurt. Just give up. It isn't worth it."
When that conversation was finally over, I began practicing my lines for my audition next week. You see, I want to be a Broadway star and my audition next week is for the role of Rizzo in the musical "Grease". Although I'm auditioning for Rizzo, I really don't mind who they cast me as, as long as I get a part. Evan's just a dick because he has no dreams of his own, and I feel sorry for him. As I pushed the heated conversation that just ensued with my only brother out of my head, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and began to sing.
Lucy's heart was pounding against her ribcage, her palms were sweaty, and her knees were shaking uncontrollably. It was two hours before her big audition and the only line running through her mind was, "Please Luce, do NOT screw this one up". All of her lines were memorized, all of her papers were filled out, and every single nerve in her body had gone numb. Stage fright wasn't new for Lucy but this audition was different. If she got this part, she'd be able to pay her rent and wouldn't have to play house in Central park until the next part rolled around. Lucy closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and and listened to the clock as her big break drew closer and closer.
When it all started, I walked out to the luminous stage to face the four casting directors.
"Name?" The bald man in the purple sweater all the way to the left of the table called out.
"Lucy Forrester" I called back.
"Well then Lucy, you have 10 minutes to do your song and monologue we've asked you to prepare. If we like you, you'll get a callback. Please begin whenever you're ready."
I nodded my head twice, took a deep breath, stood up straight, and began to sing.


rawkey said...

what happened next??? did she get the part? did she mess up and move into the park?? or did she give up, and move in with her brother?

Altadena Estate Sale said...

You are so creative and have a awesome imagination, I love it! Haha my last name is Forster! Close to Lucy's last name! hehe