Monday, September 22, 2008

Raise your left hand if you feel any discomfort.

I hate going to the dentist. Not because I fear having a cavity or my teeth cleaned but simply because the idea of having a stranger feel around in my mouth for an hour really grosses me out. Also, it really irritates me when they try to talk to you when they're in your mouth up to their wrist.
"So, are you in school?" (As if I can answer) I attempt at a yeah but get a muffled "Hyeeaahh". As I sit in the dentist chair all I can think about is how terrible I must look lying down with my mouth open, drooling, with a lovely double chin in tact. It is very easy for me to get embarrassed and when the time came for the inevitable gob of spit to get stuck on the tooth polisher, I couldn't help but laugh and being that at that moment, good old Ron was the closest a male has been to my mouth since may, he heard me and said laughing, "That's completely normal, the toothpaste is really sticky."
I shudder to think why he thought I laughed.
Well, I left with my pride a bit tarnished but still in tact, for the most part.
Oh how I cannot wait to go to the gynecologist and experience yet another ridiculous situation that turns my cheeks red and gives me something to blog about.
Trust me, if that ever happens it will not be explicit.
you freaks.

Anyway, hallelujah for pearly whites and almost 19 years with no cavities.
until next time,


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