Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Future plans..

I want to write a book. I have my mind made up and I want to write a book. And not just a bullshit book, a legitimate book with substance that makes you think. I want to travel and experience life to its full extent and write about anything and everything I can come up with. I want someone to read it and set it down and say, "Wow.. That was a good book." and I don't care if only one person in the entire world reads it, as long as I'm happy with it and I'm proud of it, that's all that matters. I don't want it to change the world, but I do want it to change my life. I want it to enlighten one individual like me and change their life. I want to write a book.
I want to change myself with that book, but not in a bad way. I want it to help me grow up.

My next ambition, change the world.
And after that, change the universe.
And after that, have everything go back to normal and get married to a nice Scottish boy and pop out a few kids.

I've made up my mind.


1 comment:

rawkey said...

i want to see you write that book!!