Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Lately, I have been doing, pretty much, absolutely nothing. I sit at home, watching movies or t.v. or doing homework and the days I'm not sitting on my ass, I'm at school barely staying awake. I really, do not have a life. It sucks. When I was in high school, every weekend was booked and every weekday was booked and now..Tuesdays and Thursdays are booked..
I miss my friends more than anything but it doesn't feel like they miss me. They all have new friends who are more relevant in their lives, which I knew would happen, but I guess I just hoped that I'd make new friends too. I've made one new friend and she's awesome but we only see each other in class and shit.
I just don't want to waste the best years of my life.
However, I think I'm well on my way to making that fear reality.
Woo hoo for pessimism!

Just gotta tell myself, HEY! Get get get get, get over it!
